Nous sommes bien arrive en Afrique du Sud a Durban pour cette 2eme Word cup de la saison.
Apres plusieurs annulations de vols et une pagaie en moins a l arrive nous avons retrouve les autres etranger pour une premiere navigation de 10 km dans la baie de Durban
Voici les premieres prevision pour la course de Dimanche avec plus de 140 individuel et 70 Double au depart des 32 kms
Warm up Events
Thursday 13 May - 6km DUC Dice. 5pm'ish
Dice, Dop & chop. Bring your own or order off the super cheap and delicious DUC Menu.
Friday 14 May @DUC - Race Registration - Compulsory for ALL entrants
2pm - Media Briefing
4-7pm - Dunlop Surfski World Cup Race Registration/ Collect your kit.
NOTE: Late Entry is Closed
We have 290 Paddlers entered (How awesome is that!)
All Paddlers must Register with their safety Kit as Follows
Cell Phone Pouch and ON THE WATER Cell Phone
ON THE WATER Cell Phone Number
Lifejackets are compulsory - ALWAYS, but don't worry to bring them to reg as it is very easy to see who is not wearing it and DSQ them immediatly.
There were a few champions who arrived at Wednesday's warm up race without lifejackets? What am I missing. Lifejackets are compulsory - ALWAYS
Saturday 15 May - All Events @ DUC
1) 6:30am - Sunrise Run Series Race 2 - 5km or 10km
Pre Enter Sunrise Run on
More Info on
2) 7:00am - Geriatski Social Paddle & Breakfast
3) 8:00am - Dolphin Mile Swim Series - 1 Mile Ocean Swim Race
Race Day Entry accepted for Dolphin Mile Swim
Swim Organiser Heather Campbell / / 082 320 7083.
4) 9:00am - Discovery Sunglass Hut Series - Short Course Race 3 - 7km
Short Course Race Reg: 7:30-8:30
Race Entry for short course race accepted on Race day as normal.
Sunday 16 May - Dunlop Surfski World Cup - Main Event
R126 000 Cash Prize Money
Race Day Check in Close 1 Hour before race start
All Paddlers Must Check in on Race day.
Anticipated Start Time
Batch 1 (C/D-Grade Single) Leave Beach 12:00. Start 12:15
Batch 2 (B-Grade Single) Leave Beach 12:10. Start 12:20
Batch 3 (Elite + A-Grade) Leave Beach 12:15 Start 12:25
Batch 4 (D-Grade Doubles) Leave Beach 12:20 Start 12:30
Batch 5 (C-Grade Doubles) Leave Beach 12:25 Start 12:35
Batch 6 (A/B Grade Double) Leave Beach 12:30 Start 12:40
Race Start Procedure:
NO CRAFT on the water 30 Minutes before race start
Batches called to the waters edge 5 minutes before they are due to leave the beach
Batches given 10 Minutes to paddle 900 meters through NEUTRAL, NO RACE Zone to the Race Start Line (Between 2 Yellow Cans)
Starter will Start Batch
ALL Paddlers must Pass between the Yellow Start Cans
There will be a Yellow Buoy 100 meters after the Start Line. All paddlers must paddle around this buoy before turning South and crossing the Harbour Mouth
Current Weather prediction is for 20km/hr NE Wind which means we will be racing From the Mouth of the Durban Harbour, 32km South to Winklespruit beach.
Below is a Map of the Race Course on the NE Windhis was a very serious email. Jeepers, I can actually hear myself writing in a VERY Sturn Tone. But it's all good cos the weather looks like it is lining up nicely for an EPIC downwind race on Sunday.
I paddled the NE wind course last Saturday and it was special. Here is my experience. Stroke by Stroke.
Beach through Neutral Zone to Start Line - 900 Meters
I started by Timing how long it took me to paddle to the Start Line, 900 meters off the beach. Going at an easy pace it took 10 minutes. On race day you are going to have to paddle WITH INTENT to get to the start line on time. You are paddling directly into the wind and swell and I was suprised how head on the wind was. My thought was that the wind direction seemed odd for a NE
Start Line around Can Then across Harbour Mouth - 500 Meters
Crossing the harbour mouth on a NE is hectic. The Wind and swell are side on and once you get close to the harbour wall, the swells get confused and seriously lumpy. If you are not 100% stable in your ski then give the harbour wall a wide berth. I think some ELITE paddlers will want to skirt close to the wall and maybe pick up the bounce back push off the back side of the Harbour Mouth. Don't Try this at Home.
Good news, this Tricky section doen't last long. Just relax and move with the ocean
Harbour Wall to 1st Point - 1.5km
The water is still disturbed here and you carn't really catch runs yet. If you do you go straight towards the shore(not ideal). Be patient, in 5 minutes time you can start catching runs.
1st Point to Brighton - @ Brighton beach you are at 10km
It's GO TIME. You can take the Runs in any direction you want. Only thing to avoid is getting too close to back line. I would suggest working very slightly out to sea, BUT don't make a big thing of it
Brighton Beach to the Cutting - 5km
Things are hotting up. Seriously, the runs just gets better as you go. The wind is now 100% from behind. You can feel it on both ears.
The Cutting to the Finish - 17km
Paddling Heaven
See you Tonight @Duc or Friday at Registration.
Billy Harkler
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